Erie Outfitters Fishing Hotline 440-949-8935
Call the Erie Outfitters fishing hotline to get the latest fishing report and bait status.
The Lorain bite is in full swing but requires a long run. The North side of the bar to the weather buoy has been top notch. Margarita ,pink panties ,blue berry muffin ,mix veg have been great. 2oz and 3oz in-lines and 40 jets in the top 25 feet have been best. Perch fishing has remained good in 26-38 feet from Lorain to Avon point ,a little searching may be needed but limits are coming everyd...
This week-end has started with mayflies and high wind. Bugs ,inches thick on walkways ,windows , cars just about every ware. Lake Erie has also been dish en out white caps, big waves and a big headache for fisherman. Earlier in the week the south end of the bar as well as Sheffield Lake area (35-49 feet)were all producing fish. Worm harnesses and Reef Runners have both been catching fish. Blue berry muffin, double orange chrush, as well as mix veg have been great harness colors and in reefs, copperhead ,pink panties and gatorbait have been h...
Happy Fathers Day! Walleye fishing has remained good off Lorain,Avon,Sheffield Lake as well as Cleveland. Limits required alittle work but defiantly worth getten out. Reef Runners and worm harnesses are still top bets. Pink and purple still are hot with orange starting to fire up. 41 to 54 feet seem to be the target depth with 54-62 tops in Cleveland. Perch fishing is still good and 40 foot seems to be the best dep...
3:01 AM
Sheffield Lake perch fishing is hot. 22-28 feet of water from Lorain to Avon are all producing great perch. Lots of 12" fish being taken. Walleye fishing has remained spotty although everyone is getting a few great numbers are hard to come bye. Lake has remained good so fishing should just keep getting bett...
We are seeing are first limits of walleye coming from Lorain today. Worm harnesses are your best bet with spoons a close second. Perch patterns and purples are top colors. Perch fishing is excellent in 28' of water. Lots of fish over 10" with limits taking 1-2 hou...